Is tiny lights child friendly?

We Welcome all ages of humans to tiny lights...

Is Tiny Lights child friendly? That depends on the parent and the child. The festival grounds are not roped off or fenced in. Tiny Lights happens all throughout Ymir, a living breathing town full of people who may or may not regulate their behavior to the extent one might think others should in front of children, as far as the varying ways that people celebrate during a festival. The town is bordered by a river on one side, that is quite high in June. As well, we share our space with a variety of wildlife, such as coyotes, cougars and bears.

Tiny Lights, like life, is not particularly set up for little ones to roam freely. There are some activities, workshops and performances that engage you and your children to participate together, but there are no child-specific areas in which to deposit your little ones so you may roam unhindered.

Most of our venues are small and intimate, requiring that an audience be attentive and respectful, so if your child enjoys music and is able to listen quietly, then Tiny Lights is child friendly. Please be aware of your environment, other attendees and artists during intimate performances. If your child is unruly or loud, you may be politely asked to leave if you are unable to calm your little one.

If you do bring your child(ren) to Tiny Lights, please keep them close at all times and respectfully regard the information above. Should you become separated from your child(ren) and are unable to quickly locate them, find the nearest volunteer or staff member or go to the ticket booth so we can immediately engage our lost child protocol.

Thank you so much for reading this far and we look forward to seeing you at Tiny Lights!